Four-Year-Old Girl Is Ready To Dance, Then She Looks Up And Melts Everyone’s Heart

For many, dancing is a way to express, tell a story, and release emotions. For others, it’s way to workout and improves one’s flexibility and coordination. Then there are those that wish they could truly dance and would rather just watch the professionals do the work.

But, just wait until you see what one four-year-old, Ella Young, has in store during her dance routine at the Rainbow National Dance Competition! One word: jaw-dropping.

Little Ella adorably walked on stage appearing confident yet sweet. Just when we thought we were going to receive an adorable performance to “Heaven on Earth,” we instead receive a dance from Ella that is quite complex and mature for her age.


She begins on two knees and then escalates her dance into something so much more than what we expected. This girl can touch the soles of her feet to the top of her head, do a handstand with her legs in a vertical position — perpendicular to the floor — and can do the perfect backbend. The expression on her face tells me she loves what she does and puts passion into every move.


All throughout the performance itself, my jaw continues to drop until it cannot drop any further. The only thing I can say is, “Wow, this girl has talent!”

Elegant Ella ends her show doing the splits, twisting her body, and then turning her head back to the audience with her hand on her heart. She proceeds to stand tall, bow her head with a smile, and trot away with her signature walk. What a sweetie!

Truthfully, I can’t begin to wrap my head around the fact that this girl is almost two decades younger than me and already has more flexibility and grace than I ever have! In fact, Ella has won many prestigious and well-deserved awards over her short life, performing in many other national competitions. I see a bright future for Ella if she continues to pursue the arts.

I must say, Ella has me wanting to get back into dance and gymnastics. I mean, if she can do what she does at her age, imagine what a few years of dedicated practice could do for anybody!

How did you feel about Ella’s performance? Cute? Innocent? Surprising? Astounding? Or maybe even a mix of each?

See the act in the video below — it was filmed by her momma!