Mum Conceives Third Set Of Twins In A Row Beating Incredible Odds Of 700k-To-One


A mum has beaten 700,000-to-one odds by falling pregnant with two babies for the third time – now she needs a bigger house and car for her growing family. Chelsea Hadfield, 30, a kitchen assistant from Rotherham, is mother to non-identical twins Max and Louie, five, with husband Mark, 36. Chelsea Hadfield was pregnant with twins 10 years ago but sadly m.iscarried just 8 weeks. A year later, she conceived again. To her shoc.k, a 6 week ultrasound revealed she was pregnant with twins for the second time. Max and Louie are 5 years old now, and are about to be the older brother of another set of twins.


Mrs Hadfield and her husband Mark, 36, knew they wanted another child but didn’t plan on expanding their family from four to six. When a 13-week scan showed twins were on the way yet again, Mrs Hadfield says she wasn’t particularly surprised because she seemed to have suspected this to happen again. The couple hasn’t undergone IVF treatment, and their chances of conceiving naturally two sets of twins in a row range from 12,500-one to 700,000-one. The odds of having non-identical twins three times in a row are estimated to be between 88,000-one and 500,000-one, as women who have had twins once are more likely to get pregnant again.

Hadfield said: “When I was pregnant with boys I didn’t have any symptoms, I felt fine – it was a perfect pregnancy. But around this time, I had ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ morning sɪᴄᴋɴᴇss that lasted all day. Although the symptoms are different, I still wonder if we will have another set of twins. It was on my mind so when the nurse said, “you won’t believe this,” I almost did. Hadfield admitted it was more of a s.hock last time she found out she was pregnant with the boys in 2014. She said: “With the first set of twins I sadly m.iscarried, I ʟᴏsᴛ them at nine weeks before I’d even had a scan. I had also ʟᴏsᴛ a single baby before that so the hospital brought me in for an early scan when I was carrying Max and Louie.

“I had my first scan at six weeks and was told they were twins – that was a bit of a surprise. Max and Louie are non-identical and Hadfield has been told it’s more than likely this new set will be non-identical too. She said: “Each baby has their own sac and placenta so the nurses have said they’ve only got about 10% chance of being identical. It would be nice if one of them was a girl. But as long as they’re healthy and happy it doesn’t really matter.”