This Mother Stunned Everyone After Giving Birth To ‘Huge’ Twins

Children are special: whatever they do or look like, there is no denying that they have a beneficial power for those who decide to have them and that they fill the heart with joy. Of course, if they are different from what we imagine, it can create even more hilarity and sympathy for them, and the mother of the twins we want to tell you about knows something about it.

These two little girls have become famous on the web for one of their physical characteristics: 7-month-old twins, who have tripled their birth weight.

Alexis Larue, 22, from Minnesota, USA can’t believe how fast her twin daughters, Camila and Elena, are growing, they weigh 21lbs each. The mother had to post a video of her babies weighing and measuring to prove that they are really as big as they look and she didn’t edit her videos.

So when Alexis, who is only 5’3’’ and weighs 116.4lbs, carries both of her babies at the same time, it makes for quite a comedic picture.

Alexis regularly posts videos where she compares her own size to the size of her babies. She’s amassed more than 700,000 followers on the platform and has more than 24 million likes across her videos. Most of her videos play off the crazy size differential between her and her kids.

Prior to her pregnancy, the mother weighed 108lbs, but by week 38 she had grown to 180lbs. She gave birth to a baby girl in March, with Camila arriving at 9:22am weighing 6lbs 6oz and Elena later weighing 6lbs 7oz. Now, at almost seven months old, they’ve more than tripled their weight, at nearly 21lbs each.

The mother added: “It’s extremely common in the twin group for newborns to weigh approximately 5 kg or less. I bought clothing for the twins ahead of time since I expected them to be quite little. However, with a combined weight of almost 13lbs, these girls have entered the nascent stage and have grown very rapidly since then.”

Camila and Elena are eating 6oz of infant formula every few hours and are just starting to transition to solids. Leo’s father was 5’11” so the fact that the twins skyrocketed to 2’5’’ after just over half a year surprised the family.

Alexis says: “Both are at the top of the weight-to-height ratio. I find myself having to buy them new clothes quite often – they are very quick plants. At seven months, they can wear anything from 12-month clothes to 18-months.”

Shortly after the twins were born, Alexis started making videos of them for her TikTok account, @themejiafamily_, while she was bored at home. However, the couple had no idea how much attention the videos would garner. “Those are eight-year-olds,” commented one unconvinced viewer. Another said: “If they were standing on top of each other, they would be taller than you.

One unconvinced viewer commented, “Those are eight-year-olds.” Another said, “If they were standing on top of each other, they would be taller than you.”

There are also some allegations that Alexis edits her videos or uses filters to make the girls look bigger, but she says this is not true.

She said: “I also get a lot of accusations about overfeeding them, however, it is very difficult to overfeed them. Their pediatrician doesn’t have any concerns about their size, they are simply very fast adults. If there’s one thing I want everyone to remember, it’s that every baby is unique. They all grow at a different rate, mine just grew very fast. They are very healthy, happy and full of personality.”

“I started making videos of my daughters almost for fun,” said mom Alexis. “It was something I liked to do in my spare time. I didn’t expect my little ones to become so famous. “I’m glad so many people enjoy them, and that we can bring so many smiles every day.”

And what do you say – aren’t they magnificent?