Toddler Cuts His Sister’s Hair, But Stylist “Works Her Magic” With New Hairdo

Being a parent of a small child can be difficult, but sometimes you just have to learn to go with the flow and see the humor in everyday childhood shenanigans, a lesson a mom in Ohio recently learned from her two kids


Breana Naylor is the proud mom of 3-year-old Colt and 2-year-old Kimber. Colt and Kimber have a tendency of keeping Breana on her toes, so when she got a moment to relax, she took it without question. After not hearing her kids playing for several minutes, Breana decided that she better make sure everything was okay, she recalled to

Searching in her bedroom, Breana was surprised to see some of Kimber’s long blonde hair on the floor. Looking in the closet, she saw the two of them hiding behind some of her dresses. Breana got quite a shock when she saw Colt giving Kimber a haircut, the scissors still in his little hands as Kimber obediently sat still as if the impromptu snip had been planned out.


Rather than scolding her children for behavior that would horrify most parents, Breana picked up Kimber and began to laugh. Nevertheless, Breana’s husband was a little upset after hearing about what happened in their closet.

Thankfully, Breana had a plan to fix the whole situation. The young mom called her friend, hair stylist Jen Bullock, to remedy the damage Colt had caused while playing with his sister. Breana had actually spoken to Jen earlier in the day about setting up her own haircare appointment but decided to forget about it for now in the wake of Kimber’s hair emergency.


Speaking with, Breana said that Jen arrived at their door about an hour after Breana contacted her. Jen worked her magic, giving Kimber an amazing haircut that Breana describes as “rad.” Breana says that she feels that Kimber’s new hairdo reflects her spunky personality and that her daughter might even be acting more adventurous because of it.

Before and after pics of Kimber Breana posted to Facebook have thus far garnered thousands of comments as users throughout the world say how great Kimber looks after her appointment with Jen.


Despite the incident, Breana says that Colt and Kimber are normally just regular kids, not getting into any trouble bigger than jumping-off the family’s living couch or attempting to climb shelves in the pantry. Breana also had a chat with Colt, making sure that her little boy knows to never use scissors anymore without an adult present.