Triplets, and then also twins. Their parents are happy and manage everything

Married couple Andy and Sarah have been married for many years and really wanted to have children. But Sarah couldn’t have baby. They made an appointment, met a woman who would bear a child for them and began to wait for a happy event. However, an interesting surprise awaited them. It turned out that they would not have one child, but triplets. The couple were very happy. So many years of waiting and finally their dream will come true. Sarah was in pleasant worries. She dreamed of becoming a mother. She and her husband were engaged in arranging a children’s room and buying children’s things and cribs. Soon, charming triplets were born – two girls and a boy. Happy parents came home with the kids and plunged headlong into pleasant worries. Caring for three newborns is not easy.


The couple barely had time to feed, bathe and change diapers. But the story of this family did not end there. After some time, Sarah found out that she will have twins.. Andy couldn’t believe this was possible. Sarah believes that this is a gift from heaven and accepts the kids with joy and gratitude.

So childless spouses in one year became a large family. In order to have time to take care of five newborns, Sarah hired an assistant. They had to order special strollers for twins and triplets. Every day, the couple buys an incredible amount of diapers and food fusion for kids for feeding.

Despite all the difficulties, Andy and Sarah consider themselves happy parents. They adore their babies and cannot imagine how they could live without them. The story of this seven is really inspiring and sets an example that happiness is always there and we do not notice it. Being a parent is a big responsibility, for which one must be prepared both physically and mentally. This is the daily care of a little man who is completely dependent on his parents. Andy and Sarah feel they are fully prepared for all the challenges of raising five children and happily fulfill their parenting responsibilities.