Toddler Tries Bacon For The First Time And Is In Total Bliss

While most parents expect their children to enjoy receiving presents on Christmas morning, the Beaches had a different experience.


Tyler Beach’s young son Easton had one of the most memorable ‘firsts’ of his life when he met man’s greatest bliss, bacon! Just like a 100-year-old lady throwing her first snowball and a baby who finally meets his mother’s twin, Tyler Beach’s young son Easton had one of the most memorable ‘firsts’ of his life when he met man’s great bliss, bacon!

Tyler offered Easton a couple of pieces of salty, greasy bacon while his son was in a high chair and a camera and happy family members looked on.


Easton is at a loss as soon as the first bites hit his virgin taste buds, despite his apparent euphoria. It’s impossible to overestimate the value of his reaction!

But it’s not only Easton’s reaction that has our hearts racing; it’s the reaction of everyone else in the background, who can’t get enough of this cute youngster trying to yell out “bacon” in barely discernible syllables.

The Takeaway: Savor the moment when you try something new for the first time! It’ll be a life filled with incredible ‘firsts’!