Teacher Tells Kids To Clap Their Hands – But Stay Focused On Little Boy In Blue

Everyone knows that laughter is the world’s best medicine. Taking some time out of your day to enjoy one of your favorite humorous things is important for your overall happiness. Enjoying a comedy show, hanging out with your friends, or watching a funny movie are all ways to get yourself to laugh throughout the day.

Laughter is also contagious, and thanks to the help of one viral video, we now know one little giggling boy who is making viewers around the world crack up with delight


While one young boy attended music lessons during school, he had the time of his life. Thankfully, video from the class was recorded and posted online so we can all share in the adorable joy of this precious child. Children are some of the biggest blessings on earth, but one of the most precious things they do is giggle!

Even just hearing this toddler laugh will put a smile on your face.

The toddler is enjoying himself listening to the upbeat music that the instructor is playing. But when the toddler asks his teacher to play the music faster, his laughter only increases when she obliges his wishes.


Although the students around him didn’t appear to be appreciating the lesson quite as much as him at first, soon the boy has the entire room laughing and smiling along with him! After watching this video, we’re not sure that there’s ever been a happier student!

His adorable childlike giggles and claps are so contagious, his friend next to him even reaches over to give him a loving hug to show his appreciation for his enthusiasm. The class claps and enjoys the music as their lesson goes on.


The adorable boy dressed in all blue is surely making an impression on viewers of the video since it’s amassed a total of 6.3 million views since it was posted!

The video currently has over 44,000 likes from others who enjoyed the priceless scene. Who knows, maybe this little boy’s connection to music will stick with him for life! Either way, his reaction to music class is too precious for words. The innocent joy that this child displays while enjoying the music in the room is heartwarming to watch.

You can watch the toddler’s adorable giggle fit in the video below