Toddler Dancing On The Sidelines Upstages The Actual Dancers

I think the only dance moves I have memorized is the Macarena and a few of the cheesy ones, like the Lawnmower and the Running Man. These have stuck with me over the years, and they’re old! I learned these when I was a kid. Absorbing new dance moves takes dedication, practice, and lots of time spent watching someone else do it or getting a teacher to guide you through the steps. Then, once you learn, the only way to retain it is to keep doing it, so you don’t forget!

So, take this little boy totally upstaging the dancers behind him – move for move and at times, with his back to them, not even watching where they are in the routine! You would think that little kids lack coordination and the ability to follow along so swiftly. But, this boy is totally throwing us a curveball. We’re not complaining though, he’s quite impressive!
Dancing is more than just moving your arms and legs and shaking your hips. While it is physical, there’s a bigger part of the picture that goes deeper. You can’t help but feel it inside of you in your core and on a soul level. When the music is right, and the setting is set, there’s nothing better than a dance session to make you feel okay in this world.

This little one is definitely feeling it. Free of embarrassment, he does his thing solo and without any help. He is fearless in what sets his soul on fire while making the pavement his dance floor. Even though you can’t see the actual audience, their shadows cast on the ground proves this little boy has some serious fans, his happy dance making everyone around him cheer up!

Seriously, this kid is unreal. He is unabashedly himself as he kicks and sways to the beat and lets his little heart lead his body. He’s so immediate and in the moment. I think we could all remember how to live our lives like this little kid does. It’s so important to live in the moment!

What did you like dancing to the most when you were younger? And, what type of music do you groove to now? Is it the same stuff or has your taste changed? Tell us in the comments!

But, first, click below to watch this little firecracker set off the entire show himself!