Woman On The Pill Got Pregnant With Triplets After The First Date

Hannah Donaghue is pretty much immune to the pill.

After all, she had two previous pregnancies while on the pill. But what took the cake was meeting an old flame at a party.

As expected, one thing led to another…and three more, in fact.

The twenty-nine-year-old Hannah, from Northampton, UK, definitely didn’t plan on getting pregnant, with triplets, no less, as she was also on the pill that time. Thankfully, Ben Fagan, 30, decided to stick around to welcome the three new lives that were delivered by cesarean at 32 weeks in October last year.

Understandably, Hannah has given up on using the pill but at least she and Ben are enjoying being a loving family of seven.

Hannah said, “I stared at the pregnancy test stick in my hand. There they were, the unmistakable little blue lines. I couldn’t believe it. I was pregnant – again. For the third time.

“The first time I’d fallen pregnant while taking the contraceptive pill I’d assumed I was just one of the one percent of women who got unlucky.

“I was 18 and living in a one-bedroom flat with my boyfriend, so it certainly wasn’t planned and I was nowhere near ready to start a family.

“But when our daughter Megan, now 10, was born I took to motherhood straight away. I’d worked in a nursery so caring for her came naturally to me, but I wasn’t planning on having another any time soon.

“I went to the GP and switched my pill, then made sure I took it religiously at the same time every day. But just two months later, I felt a familiar twinge and realized my period was late – it couldn’t have happened again, surely?

“When I saw those two little blue lines in the window I almost fainted. I had no idea how we’d cope and was dreading having to explain to people what had happened again when I was on the pill.

“Thankfully my mum was incredibly supportive and soon enough I was back on the labor ward where I gave birth to another baby girl, Charlie, now eight.”

Hannah switched to using contraceptive implants but problems with it eight years down the road saw her going back to the pill.


She continued: “I’d split up with my boyfriend at this point and wasn’t looking to meet anyone new.

“But then I bumped into Ben at a party. I’d known him years earlier and there was definite chemistry between us, and that night we ended up going home together.

“Afterwards my period arrived as normal – but two weeks later I woke up feeling something wet in my pajama bottoms. I looked down and there was blood everywhere.

“I took myself to the hospital, where doctors examined me and said I could be pregnant.

“Shell-shocked, I called Ben and he rushed to the hospital, where I was then taken for a scan.

“I lay on the table and the sonographer ran the scanner over my stomach. ‘There’s one heartbeat’, she said. ‘And there’s the second one’.

“I thought I’d misheard her. How could there possibly be two babies in there? ‘And there’s the third one’, she added. What? She was telling me I was pregnant with three babies?!

“I thought she must have been joking. I was still in shock as she pointed out the three heartbeats flickering on the screen.

“I couldn’t believe it – and neither could Ben. I hadn’t even been expecting to fall pregnant with one baby again – let alone three.”

Amazingly enough, the triplets were not identical, meaning that she had produced three separate eggs and all three were fertilized simultaneously.

Hannah added: “After a few minutes, Ben joked: ‘We’re going to need a limo for all these’.

“I was thrilled when Ben said he’d stand by me, and we began to make plans. At the ten-week scan, doctors suggested a reduction, but the pair of us didn’t even need to discuss it. We were having all three.

“At 16 weeks we found out we were having two girls and a boy. My bump was growing much faster than before and friends and family couldn’t believe it when we told them what had happened.

“During my pregnancy, Ben and I began dating properly. Even though we were expecting three children together, we didn’t want to rush things.”

At 28 weeks, the movements of the triplets started to reduce so doctors introduced steroids to speed up the development of their lungs in case they had to be delivered. But Hannah managed to hang on until 32 weeks when sisters Ella Rose and Kasey and brother Lester were delivered by c-section.

She said: “They were so tiny but they were really strong and we were allowed to take them home after 18 days. By this point, Ben had moved in and for the first few weeks, it felt like a whirlwind had hit the house.

“The triplets have more than doubled our family and we are looking to move to a four-bedroom house, as space is currently tight for a family of seven.

“I’ve also traded in my Mini for a seven-seater car – and I’ve well and truly given up on the pill.

“But we do have five little miracles to thank it for – they were obviously meant to be.”

Perhaps Hannah and Ben would have better luck with abstention, otherwise, they might end up needing that limo after all.